Sample Field Trip Form SCHOOL & CONTACT INFORMATIONGrade Level *School Name *School Address *City *State *ZIP *Is your school/organization tax exempt? *YesNoTax ExemptIf tax exempt, you must provide to the farm a completed S-211 form. We will keep this form for our accounting records. This form must be provided to us at time of your visit (not after) if wanting tax exemption. Link to: S-211 Wisconsin Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate (fillable)Contact Name *Contact Email *Contact Phone *FIELD TRIP DATESelect Date *Friday, October 4Friday, October 11Thursday, October 17Friday, October 18Thursday, October 24Friday, October 25Estimated Arrival Time *Must be no earlier than 9:30amEstimated Departure Time *Must be no later than 3pmSTUDENTSNumber of Students *($12 Each - Calulations are Estimated)Kids EstimateTEACHERS / CAREGIVERS / CHAPERONES One Free Adult for every 5 kids (1:5 ratio) - $12 for numbers above this).This is the number of adults eligible for free admission based on the 1 free adult for every 5 kids.How many adults will use the free admission?The maximum is stated above.Paying Adults - $12 EachAdults in excess of eligible free admissionTotal AdultsThis is the total of free and paying adultsAdult EstimateESTIMATED TOTALEstimated TotalPlease NoteThis is an estimate. Tax will be added to this estimate for non-exempt groups.We will contact you to confirm the date and final price. Payment will be due upon arrival.Comments/QuestionsSubmitPlease do not fill in this field.